What is Club Schneider?
Club Schneider is a community for savvy New Zealand electricians, who are looking to grow their electrical business or want access to exclusive opportunities to upskill.
Who can join?
The Club is open to all electricians in New Zealand. Whether just starting out on the tools or been in business for years, the exclusive opportunities are catered to your membership level.
Membership types
All memberships are free.
Silver membership is open to all electricians in New Zealand.
To join simply register as an electrician through the mySchneider Partner Portal.
Gold Membership is available on application, loyalty criteria applies. For more information please talk to your Schneider Electric representative or download the terms and conditions (PDF 74KB).
Sales tools
- PDL Iconic business promotional kits
- Listing in PDL and SE website Installer locators
- Exclusive access to Digital Toolkits to help promote your business
Product Insights
- Product sample kits and opportunities
- Local product specialist talks and local standards insights
- Product testing and feedback opportunities
Sparky Community
- Stay informed with the latest tips, tricks and news from the industry
- Club Schneider exclusive events
- Follow ‘Schneider NZ Electricians’ on Facebook for quick updates
- Latest products tool box sessions
- Online webinars and new product trainings

Hear what other Kiwi sparkies have to say about Club Schneider
"Club Schneider is a great tool for electricians and business owners to use to bridge the gap between Schneider and the customers through training, online tools and up to date communications on new products and services. It has allowed us as a business to stay up to date with the industry through our biggest growth period."
Matt Wells, Arrend Electrical
"Join up, it's a great way to network and learn different ways of business from like minded people."
Harry Singh, Amps Electrical Ltd
"Good way to access relevant training modules, keep up to date with the latest gear and techniques."
James Parlour, 36zero Contracting Ltd

mySchneider Partner Portal
Register to mySchneider Partner Portal.
Our portal bring together the tools and resources required to expand your business, improve productivity and gain expert knowledge.
Club Learning, Training & Business Resources
Being a part of Club Schneider gets you access to additional training, upskilling and learning opportunities to help keep you and your business growing. Plus, there are marketing and business resources to help you maximise your business exposure.
If you missed any of our previous trainings or toolkits you can access Club Schneider Resources or through your mySchneider account.

NZ Home EV Charging & Protection
Join our local EV expert Liam Vink as he takes you through: how to select & recommend the right solutions for residential installations, an overview of the new EVlink Home solution, electrical protection including anti-tripping systems and Q&A.

Wiser Case Studies
Explore a deep dive into two recent Wiser installs from sparkies across NZ and Australia. From a comprehensive holiday home in Nelson, to a large family home in Victoria, and learn from other installers.

Commercial EV Charging & Load Management
Our local team cover off eMobility & Load Management for Commercial Buildings and the new EVlink Pro AC Charger. Plus EV charging solution selection, configuration options, commissioning overview and more.

How to make the most of social media
Hear from NZ Social Media Expert Oli Garside, in this practical session, covering topics such as; how to build a social media strategy, plus how to expand your social media marketing impact and reach.