Frequently asked questions
What are the main upgrades of the Advantys configuration software made by Version 4.0 ?
30 September 2021
The main upgrades to the Advantys configuration software made by Version 4.0 are as follows:- Standardisation of the look and feel of the software.
- To simplify configuration of the Advantys STB, OTB, FTB and FTM systems.
- Improved I/O map for STB.
- New information tab for STB.
- Enhanced diagnostic data for Advantys STB modules.
- Inclusion of a new Advantys STB EtherNet/IP network interface module NIM (STB NIC 2212).
- Provision of TeSys T and TeSys U connectivity on CANopen STB extension.
- Enhanced graphic editor.
- Inclusion of all functions in the earlier versions and database upgrades.
Note: You can download the Advantys V11.0 from the next link: |